This chapter considers the legal and ethical impact of new technologies on business. It is clear from the discussion in this chapter that there are many juxtaposed perspectives and making a decision therefore requires a skilful balancing act. For example, as discussed in the first case study, copyright is a regulatory tool for remunerating creators which imposes restrictions on the use of works such as books, films, music and pictures. However, human rights provide people with freedom of speech and privacy entitlements. Therefore, these concepts naturally contradict and challenge each other. Following on from this, the second case study considers online copyright infringement. The acts of uploading and downloading copyright-protected material on the Internet, without permission or a licence, are considered illegal under European law. However, many studies demonstrate that this behaviour does not resonate, particularly with younger people, as an ethical wrong. In order to address this, digital businesses and copyright holders must adapt to meet the consumer’s needs. The third case study in this chapter relates to big data and marketing. While the use of data can be extremely valuable to marketers in tailoring their content, the collection and use of such data must also be balanced with people’s privacy rights.