This chapter examined the online technology use of English teachers in China, using four aspects of van Lier’s ecology: perception (driven by different purposes), action (online education), relation (attitudes toward and beliefs about online technology use), and quality (engagement with online technology use). A multi-case study was conducted with ten English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in China, using a survey, interviews and artefacts. The three aspects of perception, action, and relation were found to contribute positively to quality, and action had positive mutual relations with perception, relation, and quality. In addition, several factors both internal and external that facilitate or undermine online technology use were identified. A number of implications and suggestions are raised on the basis of the findings. Online technology training provided for English teachers should aim to improve the technology skills of both the teachers and the custodians of their students. In addition, online technology training should include pedagogical training regarding how to integrate online technology effectively into classroom. Furthermore, EFL teachers can be provided with an online platform to learn, share, and communicate with each other as essential support for their online technology training.