The rapid proliferation of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) around the world, the drop in government grants and donations since the last recession, and the legitimacy and reputation that businesses seek when they collaborate with NPOs have revealed NPO reputation as a key factor to attract donations, volunteers, and partnerships. Indeed, the number of collaborations of NPOs and companies is increasing because of the complementary resources they have and the mutual benefits for both. This is changing the NPOs-companies relationship traditionally of confrontation to cooperation. The positive consequences of NPO reputation have raised the interest in the antecedents that favor the NPO’s reputation. Although still scarce, the literature shows that nonprofit governance, accountability, and stakeholder satisfaction favor NPO reputation. Therefore, in this chapter we review prior research on antecedents and consequences of NPO reputation, and on the role of NPO reputation in NPOs-companies relationship. This contribution also examines the different measures of NPOs reputation proposed in the previous literature.