This chapter identifies how a semi-secular identitarian Christianism is used in calls for defensive battle against Islam and the restoration of the nation anchored in Christian values and heritage. It analyzes how Sweden Democrats and the Progress Party use semi-secular identitarian Christianist positions in their call for action against Muslim immigrants and their descendants. The identitarian Christianist stance operates with asecularized ‘Christianity-as culture’, a civilizational and identitarian ‘Christianism’. The use of identitarian Christianism by populist radical right actors in the Nordic countries must be analyzed in the context of increased ethno-religious diversity and also changing relations between church and state. The Nordic countries are similar and distinctive in having had histories of Evangelical Lutheran state churches to which virtually all their populations belong. The Nordic countries have witnessed a new populist focus with increased support for the True Finns, Denmark’s People’s Party, the Norwegian Progress Party, and the Sweden Democrats.