Twins learn to communicate in ways that are distinct from singletons. This chapter details those differences through an examination of the basic conditions of our human interrelatedness. It examines dimensions of communication as they evolve dynamically in the midst of their engagement across various levels of consciousness. Twins create a twin-world between them without conscious intent to do so. The twin-world is an embodied reality that creates an orientation toward others and the world that is distinct from singletons. Aiming toward a full articulation of our embodied presence as twins provides essential insight into the twin-world and twin-identity because embodiment is the mechanism through which the reality of experience is created. As embodied beings, we are always already immersed and engaged within specific communicative conditions of interrelatedness that functions in relation to varying contexts, varying capacities for expression and perception, and varying identifications of sameness and difference. Through a discussion of twin-world embodiment, twin-capacities for expression and perception, and twin-processes of identifications of sameness and difference, this chapter discloses the communicative intricacies of twin relationships and their complex relation to the twin-world and twin-identity.