Ethical conflicts underlying business and society tensions threaten sustainability of our global society. The purpose of this chapter is to present a new epistemological framework of complexity science and recent advances in moral neurosciences in order to elucidate the nature of these moral divergences. By adopting the conceptual lenses of complexity science, we demonstrate that the roots of this value tension can be traced back to the age of Enlightenment, to the long-lasting competition between classical science and humanities or between self-oriented materialistic values, propagated via business education, and self-transcendent ethical values imbedded in human cultural heritage. While the birth of classical science created this cultural polarization, the emergence of complexity science built on the accumulated knowledge in different scientific disciplines and impressive progress in research technology might resolve this deep-rooted value conflict and thus pave the way for sustainability of human society. Complexity perspective offers us a completely new way of understanding the universe, redefines the role of social science in global society and opens up new possibilities for changing human reality.