Professional supervision is crucial for supporting supervisees’ reflection on practice, maintaining a professional identity, and meeting organizational requirements. It is a professional practice that requires supervisors to have specific skills, knowledge, and attributes. Supervision can be more effective when the supervisor incorporates an evidence-informed supervision model that guides the supervision conversation. This encourages the supervisor and supervisee to work collaboratively to ensure that supervision remains focused and achieves key outcomes. This chapter discusses the PASE (Practice/Professional; Administrative/Line Management; Support/Person; and Educative/Professional Development) supervision model that has been developed in Australia to support social work supervisors to provide quality supervision. The chapter begins with the model’s origins and provides a comprehensive overview of its application in supervision through the use of various practice examples. It overviews how supervisees can use the model to meet their needs and how both supervisors and supervisees can evaluate the ongoing effectiveness of the supervision process. The chapter also provides useful insight for supervisors about how to evaluate their own practices using the model. The chapter concludes by considering how the PASE model can positively influence the future of supervision practice.