George Z. F. Bereday was indeed a multi-dimensional figure and a man constantly seeking challenges. For Poland, World War II began in September 1939, and Bereday joined the army the same month, first enlisting in the cavalry in Poland and afterwards in England. Taking advantage of a government scholarship during the War, Bereday undertook studies in economics and sociology at the London School of Economics, which he graduated from in 1944, earning the title of Bachelor of Science. After the War, Bereday decided to stay outside Poland, partly for personal reasons–continuing his studies at the University of Oxford and marrying Molly Yardley. Although Bereday was strongly attached to his Polish roots, and although in his academic work he maintained ties with Poland, he identified himself primarily as an American citizen. Bereday’s dissertation echoed Richard Henry Tawney’s belief that political changes were taking place without a social transformation in England.