This chapter embarks on adventures in search of antifascist aesthetics – an excursion born of despair at the increasingly racist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim poison of our political ground. It asks whether ecological attunement can provide a counter to such capitalist sorcery and barbarism. The chapter draws on feminist philosophy of science, new materialism and ecofeminism. What, it asks these guides, can ecological attunement offer to the task of composing antifascist, anti-capitalist political subjectivity or shattering the reality principle of the “no alternative”? Among the responses to that question are certain ideas that we might call theological figurations – figures that open onto the theological task of questioning the value of values and the political task of mustering spirit. Centering on an attempt to think with Stengers, the chapter turns to three such figures: the enchantress, the witch and the intrusion of Gaia. It asks how these figures might succeed and fail in speaking to a popular politics that could lift our despair.