This chapter analyses and conceptualises intersections of gender, age and generation in the controversies over the politics of inclusion of two related feminist events in the Nordic region, taking place in 2014: Nordiskt Forum Malmö (or NF) and Feministiskt Festival (or FF). The last event was organized as a parallel or counter festival to the first. The organisers of the events were Nordic, national (NF) and local (FF) umbrella organizations. Hypothetically, the controversies over the politics of inclusion of these events can be explained as a generational conflict between on the one hand ‘mainstream’ feminist activists of an older age and generation (NF) and on the other hand radical feminist activists from a younger age and generation (FF). But was this really a generational conflict – what does generation mean? What did age have to do with the controversies? How did intersections of gender, age and generation matter in the controversies over the respective politics of inclusion? In the analysis we ask how the intersections of gender, age and generation constructed feminist communication and the politics of inclusion during these events. We end by reflecting on what we can learn about the politics of inclusion by doing an intersectional analysis, which overcomes simplistic understandings of the category of gender, as well as those of age and notably generation.