The Schiffs applied the frames of reference of transactional analysis to the treatment of schizophrenic disorders to develop an analytic-transactional system based on a clinical perspective. Many transactional analysis scholars have pointed out such inconsistencies, such as differing definitions of ego states, example, metaphors, biological structures with specific functions, manifestations of historical persons and vagueness in clinical methodology, especially regarding the treatment of script. This classification of transactional analysis involves a confusion of logical levels. One direct consequence of reviving the psychoanalytic roots of transactional analysis is that in the psychodynamic approach the therapeutic operation of interpretation once again plays a central role in the psychotherapeutic process. An essential tool in the psychodynamic approach is the analysis of transference and countertransference. One of the main factors contributing to the difficult position transactional analysis finds itself in today is the existence of epistemological problems inherent in E. Berne’s work.