A while has passed since the Analysis & Activism group of Jungian analysts and academics gathered together in Prague for the III international conference in December 2017. The necessity for developing a new language, a new vision, for any depth psychology that wishes to encompass the complexity of human being as an embodied hyper-complex relational flow, and embedded in Jung’s “natural” and historical unfolding of libido has informed it from inception. The recognition that psychology and social politics are actually polarized actualizations of an implicit unitary something within space-time, applies to personal selfhood and identity. The true subject in Jungian psychology is not the Self as such, but libido – libido, which, in its ever-becoming, multi-layered Proteus-like flow, takes on specific symbolic forms. The bias fences off the domains of psychology, sociology and politics within the supposedly autonomous “human” domains, leaving out everything that involves non-human domains, those of animals, plants, and the inorganic environment in which humans are embedded.