This chapter is a conceptual essay meant to introduce readers to and stimulate discussion about the racialization of Latinxs. The author aims to speak to readers who may question whether or how Latinxs form a racial category. Asserting Latinx is a racial group, the author argues that Latinxs’ racialization is founded on – even bounded by – the Spanish language and Spanish/English bilingualism, even if these are implied and even though she later argues for this definition should be reconceptualized. She problematizes defining Latinidad’s racial boundaries with the constructs of language/bilingualism, because this definition erases Spanish colonialism from the racialization of Latinidad. She also touches on the issue of who is included as Latinx. The author concludes by inviting scholars of race and education, Latinx education, and bilingual education to conceptualize Latinxs as a racial group that is defined by multiple colonialisms, including contemporary U.S. imperialism.