As president, Trump implemented severe measures that targeted immigrants, like having local police forces collaborate with Immigration customs enforcement agents causing a panic and terror in Latinx communities. While over the decades bilingual education, increased access to higher education, affirmative action, and ethnic studies have been hard-won battles for Latinxs, the most recent political context was of retrenchment, and heightened dehumanizing policies under the Trump administration, but also of organizing and activism for social justice. In public schools, now attended largely by black, indigenous, and people of color in most urban districts across the nation, violence is also evident through the school-to-prison pipeline and zero tolerance discipline policies that further criminalize Black, non-Black Latinx, AfroLatinx, Indigenous Latinx, and Native and Indigenous, and Southeast Asian children and youth. To better address the policies and politics that impact Latinxs, requires a critical interrogation of Latinidad and its political simultaneous, potential, in/stability and weakness.