After the First World War, two revolutionary political systems came to power in Hungary: a democratic revolution on 31 October 1918 and a coup-like change of power on 21 March 1919, after which a Soviet Republic was proclaimed. The first Hungarian national socialists initially copied the German Nazis, trying to adapt Nazism to Hungarian conditions. During the Second World War Hungarian politics was divided into pro-war and anti-war camps. The former came to power during the German occupation in 1944, persecuting their political opponents. The Antisemitic Association of Hungary wants to solve the Jewish Question on its own, with determined consistency, and most radically, with complete disinfection. The aim of Hungarism was the restoration of Greater Hungary on an ethnically and socially more righteous basis, integrated into a National Socialist Europe. The success of the Hungarian national socialists was largely due to their modern propaganda techniques, with the help of which they tried to reach voters in many forms.