In recent years, the concept of white supremacy has been associated with extreme racist groups and ultranationalists, as well as high profile acts of associated racial terrorism, particularly in Western countries. The concept of white supremacy conjures up well-known and specific historical examples. It is important to understand that the concept of white supremacy extends beyond the recognized understandings of race, racialization, and racism. Black and feminist scholars of colour have long documented and analyzed white supremacy as an important and global system of white racial dominance. For example, capitalism, patriarchy, and racism works hand in hand with white supremacy, a set of relationships that cultural critic bell hooks refer to as ‘white supremacist capitalist patriarchy’. The logic of white supremacy as white nationalism is both flawed and obscuring. There has been a renewed rise of right-wing movements, politicians, and governments who espouse and advocate for ethno-nationalist and white supremacist policies.