This chapter presents and dissects the creation and exhibition of two recent works by the author; Visaurihelix, a site-specific, interactive, vertical 6.1 audiovisual installation commissioned for the Mackintosh tower at Glasgow’s design and architecture museum, The Lighthouse (July 2018-Jan 2019); and Alocas, a dual-screen, 4.1 audiovisual installation, most recently presented at the Stephen Lawrence Gallery, London, as part of the SOUND/IMAGE18 exhibition (Nov-Dec 2018). In both of the works presented and discussed, the architecture of the space in which they’re presented, alongside the positioning of the speakers and the interference patterns generated by the musical material present in the works, create constantly evolving, rhythmically shifting, and multi-directional audiovisual experiences which in turn shape and sculpt the audience’s perception of the sonic and visual materials in the work. This chapter considers the potential of developing work for Expanded Audiovisual Format (EAF), through examining how these two recent works engage with space and, crucially, site, in developing non-linear, algorithmic aleatoricism, and in considering experiential aspects as key defining elements in the development of audiovisual compositions for installation contexts.