A randomised controlled trial (RCT) demonstrated that schema therapy (ST) produced equivalent outcomes compared with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for bulimic disorders. To reach the strict evidence-based criteria for inclusion in national guidelines, there is a requirement of two RCTs comparing the new treatment to another evidence-based treatment, conducted by separate investigators. Although ST for eating disorder (ED) has not reached Level one evidence, it is a possible alternative for those who have not responded to CBT, and those with high comorbidity and traits that interfere with response to standard treatments. In addition, our understanding of the interactions between early childhood experiences and key constructs such as parenting, early maladaptive schemas, schema processes, and ED pathology are at an early stage of development. Specifically, it will be important to identify mode-clusters linked to ED-characterological profiles, in order to develop more nuanced individualised treatment guidelines, that incorporate both eating and comorbid phenomena.