Studies by F. G. Mixon and L. J. Trevino apply the tools of game theory to describe themes in the war-related movie Schindler’s List. Schindler’s List is set in Second World War Poland and focuses largely on the Nazi Holocaust. The movie follows the activities of Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who has, at the beginning of the movie, taken possession of an enamelware factory that employs Jewish slave labor. In order to describe the central plot of Schindler’s List, Mixon and Trevino develop a model wherein Schindler, the movie’s hero, and Goeth, the movie’s villain, are seen “as rivals in a sequential game, the outcome of which depends upon important strategic behavioral concepts.” Four years after the two studies by Mixon and Trevino, a study by Macy and Terry provides some economic education assessment instruments that relate to movies with economics content. In doing so, it presents a lengthy list of films and movies that includes the war-related film Schindler’s List.