In the controversy surrounding biotechnology and agriculture, the key issue is why and how agricultural production is increasingly dominated by giant corporations. Some chicken companies have improved the ratio somewhat by including in the rations offal from the chicken’s predecessors in the slaughterhouse, thus forcing them to cannibalism. There is one more absurdity: the ‘scientifically balanced’ rations contain nothing green. The control of biotechnology by big business is the culmination of a process. The conventional argument in favour of the methods of modern agriculture is that they are the only efficient way of solving the problem of world hunger and of feeding the masses that are to come with the population explosion. Conventional economists, those to whom our governments listen, in their non-holistic worldview, list the tractor and combine factory with the machine industry, the chemical fertilizer and agripoison factories with the chemical industry and so on, as if they had nothing to do with food.