This chapter illustrates the many civil wars and conflicts Yemen faces, making it an uphill task for the country to continue any disengagement and deradicalisation programmes. The chapter focuses on Yemen to uphold its disengagement and deradicalisation programmes, in particular addressing the ideological component of religious rehabilitation. ‘Disengagement’ warrants a change in behaviour but not necessarily a change in beliefs. Yemen is conservative and upheld traditional Islamic values until the 1970s. The Muslims in Yemen has been peaceful and they did not adopt an aggressively defensive posture. The threat of Islamist radicalisation in Yemen originated from the long legacy of the then-governments’ policies. Militancy and jihadism in Yemen grew out of Saleh government’s policies in their attempt to stay in power. As the Yemeni government lost its control over the country and populace, societies consisting of individuals, families, tribes and religious scholars may be able to assist to mitigate the widespread militancy and terrorism in the country.