This chapter discusses the two relevant types of air power–the air lift and the other air operations–and assesses their relative contributions to the operation. Operation Just Cause has prompted many questions concerning the future use of air power. Panama was considered a secure area for air operations. There was no air threat and the ground threat was limited in its scope and intensity. The invasion of Panama employed the largest number of special operations aircraft in United States (US) history. The invasion of Panama employed the largest number of special operations aircraft in US history. Panama was simply a matter of massing aircraft in a nation that already had an existing US command structure, an existing US air base, and 13,000 US troops stationed within a one-leg flight of our border. Discounting those US troops who were already located in Panama and the 6,000 who were landed by aircraft, air-dropping 4,000 paratroopers at the right time and place was significant.