This chapter discusses human rights violations against the minority Kashmiri Hindus by Muslim insurgents. If Kashmiri Hindus are a distinct group among the Indian Hindus, so are the older Kashmiri Muslims from the rest of Indian Muslims. The world seems to have heard a lot about the so called violations of Human Rights of Kashmiri "civilians" by the Indian security forces but very little about the violations of the rights of Kashmiri Hindus as victims of terrorism. The reporting on Human Rights violations in Kashmir, so far, has been restricted to the alleged excesses involved in administrative actions against terrorism, ignoring the plight of the victims of the continued terrorist violence. The terrorist violence in Kashmir is an ideological struggle with specified political commitments which are basically fundamentalist and communal in character. The most crucial aspect of the terrorist violence in the state is the right of intervention which Pakistan has increasingly sought to support the Muslim struggle in Kashmir.