Mexico held bilateral tariff discussions with ten countries as part of its negotiations to become a member of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The most important policy that the United States could adopt in order to support Mexico's recovery program would be to maintain an open market for the flow of Mexican exports. The Protocol of Accession was submitted to the GATT Contracting Parties during the last week of July 1986. The Protocol of Accession is divided into several sections. The first is a "standard protocol" that corresponds to that used by most of the current members of the GATT. The Report of the Working Group emphasizes many specific issues, including tariff policy, countervailing duties, and customs valuation. Mexico's negotiations have addressed the issue of countervailing and antidumping duties. The safeguard clause of the Protocol reflects Mexico's position. Mexico has concluded the negotiations to become a member of the GATT.