The scope of interests and range of applications which have concerned Bevan must have had some origin predating his academic and professional years. The unquestioned support of science arising from post-WWD concern about its status vis-a-vis that of Adolf Hitler's Germany, and post-Sputnik concera vis-a-vis that of Russia, has waned. Whether attributed to absent-mindedness, unconcern, arrogance, or indifference, the scientist's disregard for his public image is most evident in his relationships with other scientists. Scientists, then, in their confrontations with each other provide a major source of disillusionment and a decrease in their public image. The relationship between such a decrease in image and an increase in the demand for accountability should be evident. The sensitizing of the public to economic, technological, and industrial problems by social scientists has some component of the interdiscipline conflict—a fact which must be recognized by the public in weighing conflicting testimony.