The January 15, 1987, issue of the Ukrainian Komsomol daily Molod Ukrainy published what was probably the most outspoken criticism of the war in Afghanistan and its portrayal yet to have appeared in the Soviet media. The media began to acknowledge criticism of their one-sided and incomplete coverage of the war. The publication of S. Berezovska's protest was accompanied by a long response from O. Klymenko, noteworthy as probably marking the first time a Soviet journalist publicly apologized for dealing with the Afghanistan theme in a glib and insensitive manner. Berezovska's protest reflected the beginnings of a new candor in the press in discussing popular attitudes toward the war. On January 31 and February 7, 1987, the writer Aleksandr Prokhanov was shown on television speaking with a number of Afghanistan veterans about the frustrations and difficulties they faced in readjusting to civilian life.