An expert on modern China is aware of three basic conflicting ideological traditions, namely, the long Confucian political tradition, the legacy of the revolution of 1911, and the Marxist movement from 1921 on. For a better understanding of modern China's misfortune, it seems necessary to study the types of reform and the individual leaders. Sun Yat-sen wanted China to become an industrialized, strong, and democratic nation-state that could join the international community with equality and independence. One should note that Sun's doctrine and his Principles of the People sought to synthesize and create for China a modernized industrial state based on Western democratic government, a modified firee economy, a rejuvenated Chinese culture, and full independence from foreign imperialism. On the introduction of democracy in China, Sun reviewed in great detail the gradual democratization in the United States, especially the struggle between the Hamiltonian Federalists and the Republican Jeffersonians.