A comparison of the structure of intra- and inter-regional trade reveals that manufactures play still a bigger role in inter-, than in intra-regional trade. The concept of developing countries' greater collective self-reliance impliesstrengthening of co-operation at all levels, from bilateral, and subregional, up to interregional, and global. Theoretical thinking on the topic could be divided into three phases, which are characterized by the following aproaches: market integration, complex integration, and functional integration. The present world economic crisis, which is the result of accumulated historical deformations, disequilibria and other structural problems, as well as of the outdated relations and unacceptable institutional set-up, has been in many ways preventing and discouraging mutual co-operation of the developing countries. Greater collective self-reliance of the developing countries represents a specific instrument of their international emancipation and an efficient tool in the struggle with the transnational monopolies of the present day international economy.