The rise in the power, resources and technological supremacy of the planetary or transnational corporations (TNCs) is the single most explosive issue of modern times. Political ideologies and conflicts, and international economic relations form a gigantic global jigsaw puzzle whose solution involves intricate relationships between nation States and TNCs. Technical co-operation among developing countries (TCDC), which heralds a new era of economic interdependence, is a piece in the gigantic jigsaw puzzle and must be viewed within this context. Since TCDC is multidimensional in content, it must be reviewed within the context of the oligopoly of TNCs vis-a-vis the nation State. Debates on technology transfer within TCDC have revealed the complexity of the issues for technology transfer and management. Since developing countries will continue to depend on TNCs for technology for some time to come, the proposed international code of conduct on the transfer of technology is of great significance.