For the most part, third-party candidacies have had litde impact on US presidential elections. But in the twentieth century, several elections stand out as exceptions to that general rule— the elections of 1912, 1924, 1948, and 1968. To emphasize the unusual nature of the Perot candidacy and the political psychology of the Ross Perot phenomenon, it is useful to place his third-party candidacy in the context of the other significant third-party candidacies of the twentieth century. The third-party candidacy of Perot was one of the most unusual aspects of the unusual 1992 presidential campaign. During the spring of 1992, support ebbed and disillusioned followers left his camp. Nevertheless, significant support continued, and the mythic Perot continued to attract followers disillusioned with contemporary leadership and seeking a strong, clear-thinking leader with the answers to America's problems.