Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and puerperal sepsis (PPS) are major causes of both outpatient and inpatient morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia. PID and PPS are responsible for 30% and 10%, respectively, of admissions to acute gynecological beds in Addis Ababa. The rate for Cervical cancer almost doubles and there is a significant increase in the prevalence rates of sexually transmitted disease (STD) and PID in those who were sexually active before the menarche. STD with its sequelae of PID, puerperal sepsis and infertility; cervical cancer; abortion; and vesicovaginal and fecal fistulae are major causes of morbidity and mortality in Ethiopian women. The majority of Ethiopians are Orthodox Christians and Moslems. The male factor in the spread of STD and possible spread of a sexually transmitted carcinogen or co-carcinogen is clearly more likely to occur with prostitution and also occurs with child marriage, in which a child is usually married to a sexually experienced man.