The ongoing domestic revolution in Russia promises to be a long-term process that ensures a Russian preoccupation with needs and priorities at home. The application of new thinking in Russian foreign policy, as well as the turn of events within Russia itself, clearly indicate that the heyday of Russian military and economic largesse is over—as are Russian military adventures in the Third World. The ongoing domestic revolution in Russia promises to be a long-term process that ensures a Russian preoccupation with needs and priorities at home. Ethiopia too had come under attack in the Soviet press during the precoup period of the Gorbachev era. Hussein's unpredictable behavior did complicate and test United States-Soviet cooperation; US and Russian interests could possibly collide in a situation less obvious—for example, internal turmoil in Iran. Former Foreign Minister Shevardnadze was increasingly candid in pointing up the need for the clients to fashion compromises and focus on economic development tasks rather than political power.