This chapter presents the analysis and assessment of Finland's contributions to European peace and security during the post-Second World War era. It discusses the stability of Finland's international position, Finland's role in the context of Nordic security, Finland's "bridge-builder" role, Finland's role in CSCE, and Finland's role in European image politics. Finland's contribution to European peace and security follows partly from her position and performances in the Nordic context. An important enlargement of Finland's international peace role occurred in 1961 when President Kekkonen, in his New Year's speech, launched the idea of Finland's role as a "bridge-builder" between East and West, thus making use of her unique international location. Since the late 1960s, Finland has unwillingly had to play a major international role in the "Finlandization" debate which has been going on in the Western world. If a Nordic nuclear-weapon-free zone were to be established in the future, it would certainly have a significant impact on European peace and security.