Egyptian intellectuals are aware, according to the above conventions, that the writer and poet Yehuda Amichai has earned a place for himself in the heart of the reader of modern Hebrew poetry. A following has developed because of the variety of his works, which include the short story, the novel, the play, and the radio script. Amichai wrote his first collection of poems, entitled Shirim, in 1955. This collection included Akhshav uvayamim haaherim, Bemerhak shtei tikvot, and Baginah hatziburit. In 1968 Amichai's Paamonitn verakavot was published. The book contained two radio scripts and two plays of which Bells and Trains was awarded the Kol Yisrael first prize in 1963. In addition to Amichai's many other books of poetry, including Shalvah gedolah, sheelot uteshuvot, 1980, and Love Poems, first published in 1978, in 1985 he published a book of philosophical poetry, Meadam ata uleadam tashuv.