In the early post-World War II period, Soviet antisubmarine warfare capabilities relied on US, British, and German tactics and equipment. The Soviets began by developing two new warship types, the large and the small antisubmarine ships. Another significant development was the designation of zones of antisubmarine warfare operations. Grisha's antisubmarine warfare armament includes a twelve-barreled RBU-6000, torpedo tubes, and hull-mounted and dipping sonars. A primary mission of Soviet Naval Aviation is antisubmarine warfare. Both the US and Soviet navies use coordinated antisubmarine warfare tactics involving aircraft, surface combatants, and submarines for submarine detection and tracking. Soviet antisubmarine warfare still has a very high priority because the factors that originally prompted the Soviet antisubmarine warfare buildup from 1956 to 1960 are valid. The US ballistic missile submarine force remains on patrol with longer-ranged, multiwarhead missiles and are even more difficult to locate.