The Army has for a long time been the object of attacks by those forces which aim to destroy our state system and transform great power—the USSR—into a conglomerate of territories dependent on the West, torn apart by inter-ethnic and appanage quarrels. The Soviet Army—united and supra-national, linked to the people by blood, glorious in its combat traditions, and still powerful by present-day standards—remains the last obstacle on the path to the realization of these schemes. The revived "sufficiency" principle re-emerged during the course of carrying out the aforementioned Soviet-American research project on the problems of stability, which was established in 1985. Its recommendations stated in particular that "the USA and USSR should accept the 'reasonable sufficiency' conception in their military planning. Jerry Hough considers that for destroying Soviet military doctrine and ideology and constraining the growth of the USSR's military potential, Arbatov deserves the Nobel peace prize.