Three decades after the end of the Cold War, it is well past time to reorient and reinvigorate the Australia-US Alliance. This does not require a renegotiation of the ANZUS Treaty, but a candid conversation regarding shared goals and methods of cooperation. This chapter argues for a renewed alliance built on four foundational principles. In the twenty-first century, military alignment is insufficient for protecting state security and shaping the environment it needs to prosper. The Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) provides an existing, positive regional vision that Australia, the US and many regional partners already accept and can support. With almost 600 Australians on secondment within the US military and over a century of cooperation, they are as close as any two militaries in the world. The economic instrument is viewed as the most difficult for liberal states to wield, due to their principled abhorrence of governmental interference in the free economic decision-making of individuals.