The North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) instituted its Book Award in 1989, Edited Book Award (Anthology) in 2007, and Journal Article Award in 2015. Journals are a critical forum of scholarly discourse, particularly in the digital age with online, pre-publication access that accelerates distribution and circulation. The relatively quick publication process for journal articles has helped junior untenured scholars and emerging scholars gain tenure or secure positions, particularly in departments, such as kinesiology and sport management, which do not prioritize single-authored monographs. The gender breakdown in sport history journals almost 50 years later in 2020 reveals three notable changes. Sport history journals, nevertheless, have proved to be quite resilient, with 17 of the 19 continuing to publish. Sport history journals peaked in the last two decades of the twentieth century, although the recent creation of two new journals and other existing online scholarly forums is a positive sign for the future.