The building of national character is a great idea that was sparked by the founders of the nation, because as a nation consisting of various ethnic groups with a strong regional nuance, the Indonesian nation needed a common view of holistic culture and character as a nation. According to this master plan, the problems faced by people in Indonesia today confirm the uncertainty of identity, which boils down to (1) disorientation and uncomprehending values of Pancasila as the national philosophy and ideology, (2) the limitations of integrated policy device in realizing the essential values of Pancasila, (3) the shift of ethics values in national life, (4) the fading away of people’s awareness toward the values of national culture, (5) the threat of national disintegration, and (6) the decrease of national independence (Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, 2010). Character education principally aims to build up good, smart, and characterized people. Historically and socio-culturally, character building is a national commitment that has been growing and growing in the life of the society, nation, and state of Indonesia. Character education is an education for “building up” the personality of an individual through manners education, the result of which appears in someone’s real actions: namely their good behaviour, honesty, responsibility, respect for others, hard work and so forth. In the Indonesian context, religious education for the six officially recognized religions (Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism) by the government is regulated in the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003. In the Law it is said that National Education is an education system based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which is rooted in religious values and Indonesian national culture, and responsive to demands of changing times. National education functions to develop abilities and form a dignified character and national civilization in order to educate the nation, aiming for the development of potential participants to become human beings who believe in and fear one God, and are noble, healthy, knowledgeable, creative, independent, democratic and responsible. According to the national education ministry, the agency of research and development centre of curriculum in 2010, values developed in cultural and national character education are identified from the following sources: Religion, Pancasila, Culture and National Education Objectives. Characters are not formed by themselves, but rather must be inculcated as early as possible in order to enable the younger generation of Indonesians of 2045 and beyond to be of good character. Therefore, character education is the key to the future of Indonesia, of 2045 and beyond.