Representation has been an integral part of the political sphere for ages. Representation has to is physical in nature and therefore, the Buddhist philosophy analyzes its intricate dependence on the nature of consciousness. It may be observed that the political sphere, when interrogated through the aspects of shared aspirations, becomes more pertinent as to how the ‘shared aspiration’ becomes an essential means, which is codependent on the resolve to espouse equality. A united decision process in power politics is aimed at getting a driving seat, however, through what consciousness it is achieved is a matter of choices that are largely collective in nature but at the same time they are detrimental to the ethos of equality and equitable behavior. In the public sphere, when deeply rooted in hierarchy, the entire ethos of political equality becomes a mute spectator and never becomes a condition of consciousness to choose and exercise one’s choice based on rationality. The perceptual inferences direct towards creating a realm of consciousness that come from the stored consciousness which a citizen of the republic of the Government of India always derives by claiming a tradition of the sacred. The aspect of mind-consciousness as has been elucidated in the Abhidharmakoṣasangraha, Vasubandhu explains the inference through sensory perceptions having five sensory organs and adds reading or understanding through the five sensory organs as an independent organ of perception (i.e. mind, hence a mind-consciousness). He further adds that Ālayavijnana (stored consciousness) is the ground, or base, of the seventh consciousness. Thus politically to remain aloof from constitutional morality is an ingrained factoring thought process that creates hindrances to create any kind of enabling process. It is in this context that Ambedkar’s definition of rule and principles is an essential tool that forbids to create political consciousness of rationality and aspirations to become ‘samyak’. The larger idea of a Hindu nation functions like a communitarian intentionality to be imposed and is located in factoring presuppositions. The nature of cause and effect gets manifested through the ballot box democracy is a testimony of consciousness of being adherence to Ambedkar and anti-Ambedkar political consciousness. This chapter investigates the consciousness of the public political sphere to see electoral democracy in the past and future looking at religious invocations.