Brands have been racing to exploit the growing pool of endorsers to reach consumers in a more authentic way, circumventing resistance to traditional advertising. Eager to monetize their channels and audiences, many of these “peer” endorsers are saturating platforms with brand-sponsored content which may attempt to conceal the commercial source. In this chapter, we examine brands’ increasing use of the covert marketing techniques associated with influencer marketing; covert in that consumers do not clearly identify these messages as persuasive advertising attempts. We employed a qualitative research approach, conducting in-depth interviews with consumers to reveal rich new insights on the perceptions and attitudes held towards sponsored endorsement activity on Instagram, specifically the covert nature of the practice. Findings suggest that consumers have developed extensive perceptions of manipulative and exploitive brand behavior as a result of covert endorsement practices. We finish by arguing that covert Instagram endorsement practices are enhancing consumer distrust and resistance towards advertising, through attempts of concealed unconscious persuasion.