This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of the book. The book focuses on such alternative itineraries and networks of work and kinship and highlights the pulsating movement within the field. It develops a feminist historiography that departs from a desire to “complete” or “correct” historical narratives and to bring “history” into the present. The book traces the flights of certain motivated women from various cities to Bombay, which form some of the key concerns of this anthology. It illustrates how some women enjoyed substantial power owing to their stardom. The book reconnoitres the works of Bhanumathi, whose extraordinary career as an actress, singer, writer, director, and studio owner point out the multiple roles many artists, authors, and technicians essayed. It presents the story of Motimahal theatre, mentions how it was owned by Motilal Chambaria of Calcutta and thus gestures towards newer historical readings pertaining to place and the mobile filmic object.