Arthur Schopenhauer authored an infamous tract on women that essentially described the sex as limited to flat household reasoning abilities with no place in the public sphere. Philosophers ignored or rationalized Schopenhauer’s essay on women with great difficulty, and so refrained from reading his views on women and eristic as mutually re-enforcing. Elizabeth Warren predicted that “nasty women” would defeat Trump on election day, thus converting “such a nasty woman” to “nasty women”. Post-election, “nasty women” continued as a battle cry in the Women’s March on Washington, January 16, 2017. Apparently, sexism was not key to the electoral decision, for 53% of American white women voted for Trump, together with his predominantly white male constituency. “Nasty women” was an aggressive rebuttal, a gesture of counter-will. The speech act retorted to a raw, venal assault on individual women with a collective response.