The photographer and assistants must take great care handling the animals properly while in captivity. Wild subjects should be retained only as long as necessary. The photography should be accomplished efficiently and then the animal returned back to its place of capture and released. Amphibians like frogs, toads, and salamanders have very sensitive skin that must be kept moist to prevent rapid desiccation. Venomous arthropods such as scorpions and centipedes should be carefully contained and handled or maneuvered only with tools to avoid being stung or bitten. Natural backgrounds can be aesthetically pleasing and provide additional information about a subject. This might include plants and the types of soil associated with the subject’s natural habitat. Inexpensive and readily available commercial glass aquaria make excellent enclosures to photograph a variety of small subjects - both terrestrial and aquatic. Avoiding reflections in the glass of an aquarium, or the water surface, if photographing down through the open top, will be a concern.