The global circulation of cinema in Korean film festivals includes the exhibition of Latin American films in Asia, which was very uncommon during the 20th century. This chapter aims to highlight the implications of the programming of Latin American films at the Busan International Film Festival – BIFF (1996), the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival – BiFan (1997), and the Jeonju International Film Festival – JIFF (2000). These festivals have been key agents in laying ties between the Asian and Latin American cinema in recent years: The JIFF co-produced three Argentine films. Three Latin American sections were programmed at BiFan: Nightmares from the Other Side of the Earth (Argentina, 2012); Blood Window to Latin America (2014), and Mexican Genre Film (2015). There were numerous special programs devoted to Latin American directors and groups such as Arturo Ripstein (BIFF, 2012), Cali Group (BIFF, 2016), Nicolas Pereda (JIFF, 2011), Cuban Cinema (JIFF, 2004), and Alejandro Jodorowsky (BiFan, 2013). With extended data on the Korean Film Festivals programming, this chapter will show how the BIFF, JIFF, and BiFan have helped to shape the notion of Latin American cinema in the East Asian region as well as nourish the ties between the two regions.