The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) has evolved out of a pharmaco-supported psychotherapy setting in which the Altered State of Consciousness (ASC) has been evoked with strong psychedelic drugs. However, Helen Bonny observed that inducing an ASC with deep relaxation methods and a subsequent journey in a reclined or supine position elicited sufficient imagery for the therapy session. Nevertheless, we know from recent research into MDMA or LSD that the vividness of imagery is stronger due to the breakdown of ego defence mechanisms and the emergence of important imagery along with the music, for example, in Amazonian Ayahuasca yield strong imagery patterns with a culture-specific taxonomy and noetic structure that may well yield a vast amount of important emerging imagery that can be used for therapy. Recent research investigating psychedelics has shown imagery enhancement under the influence. However, the integration and conscious experience yielded with the relaxation induction methods can be controlled voluntarily while the imagery intensity under the influence may put the traveller in a “floodlight state” that needs longer time to be processed and integrated. However, research into deep relaxation with music and imagery and reviewing common features of music and altered states stresses that setting, performance rites, suggestibility traits, and personal willingness to go into an altered state are of importance. Thus, a proper investigation into the role of the ASC according to the induction method during these interventions is needed.