This chapter explores the academic relationship between Jonathan and Julie since they met at the University of Plymouth in 2009. Before embarking on a three-year PhD at the Open University (2011–2014), Jonathan was taught by Julie on the MSc Social Research at the University of Plymouth (2010–2011). Thus, this chapter will focus on the transition that occurs from student-teacher to colleague. Far from being an insignificant transition, we suggest that the transition from student to ‘teacher’ is one which every early career academic has to negotiate. At roughly the same time as Jonathan, Julie was also completing her doctorate at the University of Plymouth. As both PhDs were in the broad area of the Social Sciences, and had similar methodological approaches, Jonathan and Julie presented at similar conferences and were able to support each other through the process. Therefore, rather than being a one-way relationship characterised by teaching and learning, the process of completing a PhD is one in which is characterised by reflecting on a myriad of experiences which are not always directly related to the supervision process. We begin with separate insights from both Jonathan and Julie and conclude with the voices joining together to form one rounded and reflective summary of the journey, which recognises and indeed celebrates the different subjective perspectives of both of us.