The decision to obtain licensure or seek certification is important for a variety of reasons, and there are long-term career implications regarding holding a license. This chapter includes resources to learn about licensure eligibility and self-reflective questions to guide school psychology professionals in academia who may consider seeking a practice credential or license in health service psychology. The stories shared here show some of the options and choices, and there are many other stories out there reflecting a wide array of perspectives. This chapter covers the steps to licensure from seeking internship to finding a postdoctoral position and planning for required examinations. There are many possible credentials for professionals who wish to demonstrate their training or specific skills, and this chapter addresses several common specialization areas. Obtaining licensure or credentialing indeed costs time and money. Conversely, holding a license or credential in the areas of training or as evidence of specialized knowledge and skill can be an asset to the individual’s career, the field, their university and program, and their students.