This chapter argues that Teach for Bangladesh (TFB) is a de facto social enterprise including an account of how TFB developed and where it might be going in terms of the impacts of globalising policy developments in Bangladesh that underpin the emergent transformation of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) as social enterprises. It elucidates how the rootedness in ‘new philanthropy’ and ‘social/impact investment’ manifests through the construction and professionalisation of social entrepreneurial subjectivities and organisational formations. TFB started in the individual imagination first, matured through aspirations and experiences, and then became manifest through efforts and actions first in the United States and subsequently in Bangladesh. It was revealing to note that TFB’s transformative vision of a social entrepreneurial future for the education sector did not preclude the government. Social enterprise policy discourses have started echoing within the primary education and NGO sectors in Bangladesh (government gatekeepers for TFB).