Pornography is generally used as an aid to masturbation. Analysts since Freud have been interested in the topic of masturbation from several perspectives, and have clarified its distinct structure in a way that is both unique and clinically indispensable. L. Eidelberg introduces a complex notion as simple when he asserts, “As Freud has said, sadism does not present so great a problem as masochism does”. It is routinely observed that contemporary pornography is objectifying, indifferent, and callous towards its participants, which attitudes shade into the coercive, humiliating, degrading, and directly violent elements that are now quite the mainstream, and no longer a rare kink or ‘fetish’. ‘Fetish’ is one of the most popular categories in contemporary pornography, but covers material so diverse as to be of little use, often meaning not much more than an interest in some one thing in particular.